How to Pass a Hair Follicle Drug Test: Proven Methods That Work

By Robert McGrath Ph.D

Last update: January 20, 2025

I’ve thoroughly researched hundreds of success stories on Reddit and other forums to understand the methods people use to pass hair follicle drug tests.

Not only that, I’ve consulted with drug testing specialists to get their professional insights.

I’m here to share all these methods with you, distinguishing which ones really work and which don’t.

I’ll highlight those methods that have scientific backing.

It’s important to note that many people resort to techniques that can severely damage their hair and scalp.

My aim is to guide you toward options that are not only effective but also safe for your hair.

Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo
aloe toxin rid shampoo
  • Highly effective for drug tests
  • Effective for heavy users
  • Suitable for dreadlocks and dark hair
  • Used in Macujo and Jerry G methods.

Hair drug test procedure – the basics

To effectively tackle a hair drug test, you need to first grasp what the test is looking for.

During the test, about 1.5 inches of your hair strands will be cut and then dissolved in a solvent.

The next step involves measuring the concentration of drug metabolites present in that solvent.

If the concentration exceeds a certain cut-off level, you’ll fail the test.

So, the crux of passing is to rid your hair of these metabolites before the test.

Let’s explore how that can be achieved.

How to remove drug metabolites from hair

To grasp how to cleanse your hair of drug traces, it’s crucial to understand the hair shaft’s basic structure.

Your hair is composed of three layers: the cuticle, cortex, and medulla.

The drug metabolites that the test is looking for are tucked away in the cortex.

Therefore, the only path to passing the test is by effectively removing these metabolites from the cortex.

Here’s a simplified breakdown of the process:

  1. Open the Hair Cuticle: The cuticle is the outermost layer that needs to be opened to access the cortex.
  2. Dissolve Drug Metabolites: Once the cuticle is open, the next step is to dissolve the drug traces lodged in the cortex.
  3. Wash Out the Residues: After dissolution, the next crucial step is washing out these dissolved residues from your hair.
  4. Close the Hair Cuticle: This final step is about minimizing damage by sealing the cuticle back up.

how to remove drug metabolites from hair

How to pass hair follicle test: DIY methods

Many turn to do-it-yourself remedies when attempting to pass a hair drug test.

These often involve common household ingredients like bleach and vinegar.


  • Cost-Effectiveness: Generally, these ingredients are inexpensive and readily available.


  • Hair and Scalp Damage: Harsh substances like bleach can significantly damage your hair and scalp. It requires careful application to mitigate harm.
  • Discomfort: These methods can be painful and uncomfortable.
  • Detection Risk: If your hair appears visibly damaged, a test collector might opt to take samples from other body parts.
  • Cost Deceptiveness: While initially seeming cheap, the cumulative cost of multiple ingredients can sometimes surpass that of a specialized detox shampoo.
  • Effectiveness: The effectiveness of these methods is anecdotal, and there’s a lack of scientific evidence supporting their ability to cleanse drug metabolites from hair.
  • Time Consumption: These methods often require lengthy preparation and application times.

The Macujo method

The Macujo Method is a popular DIY approach many swear by, but it’s quite intensive and involves a mix of household and specialized products.

Here’s how it’s generally done:

What you’ll need:

  • Rubber gloves and goggles for safety.
  • A water source, like a sink or tub.
  • Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo.
  • Clean and Clear Deep Cleaning Astringent, which contains salicylic acid.
  • White vinegar.
  • Tide liquid laundry detergent.
  • A shower cap or plastic bag.

The Macujo method steps

  1. Safety First: Put on rubber gloves and goggles to protect your skin and eyes from harsh chemicals.
  2. Dampen Hair: Wet your hair with warm water until it’s fully damp.
  3. Vinegar Application: Massage a generous amount of white vinegar into your hair and scalp, covering every strand.
  4. Add Astringent: Without rinsing the vinegar, apply the Clean and Clear Astringent thoroughly.
  5. Cover and Wait: Place your hair under a shower cap or plastic bag and wait for about 30 to 45 minutes.
  6. Rinse: Remove the cap and rinse your hair thoroughly with warm water.
  7. Shampoo with Aloe Toxin Rid: Wash your hair with the Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo, ensuring a good lather and rinse.
  8. Laundry detergent: Carefully apply a small amount of Tide detergent, lather, and rinse thoroughly. Be very cautious to avoid contact with eyes and mouth.
  9. Repeat as needed: Some repeat the entire process multiple times before their test.

Time Required:

  • Single Cycle: About 1 to 1.5 hours, including application, waiting, and rinsing.
  • Daily Time: If repeated twice a day, you’ll need 2 to 3 hours daily.
  • Total Time: For a 5-day prep, you might spend 10 to 15 hours in total.

Success stories of passing a hair follicle drug test with Macujo method:

Reverse Macujo method

The Reverse Macujo Method is another DIY approach for attempting to pass a hair follicle test, involving a series of intensive treatments.

As with any such method, it’s crucial to understand the potential risks and to proceed with caution.

What you’ll need:

  1. Rubber Gloves: To protect your hands from harsh chemicals.
  2. Goggles: For eye protection.
  3. Tide Detergent: A laundry detergent not typically recommended for hair or skin.
  4. Clean and Clear Deep Cleaning Astringent: Contains salicylic acid.
  5. White or Apple Cider Vinegar: Used to open up hair cuticles.
  6. Hair Conditioner: To mitigate the drying effects of the treatments.
  7. Shower Cap or Plastic Bag: To cover your hair during treatments.
  8. Timer or Clock: To keep track of treatment durations.

Step-by-step instructions:

  1. Don your gloves and goggles to protect against chemical exposure.
  2. Wet your hair and apply Tide detergent thoroughly. Leave it on for around an hour. Be very cautious, as Tide is not designed for body use.
  3. After rinsing out the detergent, apply Clean and Clear Astringent. Cover with a shower cap for 30 minutes. The salicylic acid is believed to help cleanse the hair, but its effectiveness for drug metabolite removal isn’t proven.
  4. Post-astringent, soak your hair in vinegar for 30 minutes. Vinegar’s acidity is said to open hair cuticles, but its effectiveness for drug detoxification isn’t scientifically validated.
  5. Thoroughly rinse out the vinegar and apply conditioner. Leave it under a shower cap for 10 minutes to help counteract the harsh effects of the previous steps.
  6. Finally, rinse out the conditioner and gently towel-dry your hair. Avoid heat styling, as your hair may be more prone to damage after this process.

Jerry G method

The Jerry G Method is another procedure often discussed among those seeking to cleanse their hair of drug metabolites before a test.

Like other methods, it’s quite rigorous and involves the use of strong chemicals.

What you’ll need:

  • Rubber Gloves: To protect your hands from chemicals.
  • Goggles: For eye safety.
  • Permanent Hair Dye with Ammonia: To break down the hair cuticle.
  • Baking Soda: For a cleansing paste.
  • Toxin Rid Old Style Aloe Shampoo: Or a similar detoxifying shampoo.
  • Shower Cap or Plastic Bag: To cover your hair during treatments.
  • Water Source: Like a sink or tub for washing.

Step-by-step instructions:

  1. Wear gloves and goggles to protect against chemical exposure.
  2. Apply an ammonia-based permanent hair dye according to the kit’s instructions. Ammonia may help break down the hair cuticle, potentially releasing drug metabolites.
  3. After dyeing, thoroughly wash your hair with a detox shampoo like Toxin Rid Old Style Aloe.
  4. Let your hair air dry naturally to avoid further damage.
  5. Give your hair and scalp time to recover before repeating the dyeing process.
  6. After 10 days, reapply a new batch of ammonia-based hair dye, followed by a wash with the detox shampoo.
  7. On the day before your test, make a paste with baking soda and water and apply it to your hair and scalp, possibly aiding in opening up the cuticles.
  8. Rinse out the baking soda and wash your hair again with the detox shampoo.

Time required:

  • Single Cycle: Around 2 to 3 hours per dyeing and washing session.
  • Daily Time: Not applicable, as it involves a 10-day waiting period between treatments.
  • Total Time: Roughly 4 to 6 hours of active treatment over an 11-day period, not including the waiting period.

Best shampoos for hair drug test

Unlike DIY methods, quality hair drug test shampoos are designed not to damage the hair.

Toxin Rid Old Style Aloe Shampoo

toxin rid aloe shampoo

Toxin Rid Old Style Aloe Shampoo is a highly effective and legal solution for cleansing marijuana (THC), alcohol (ETG), cocaine (COC), morphine, and methamphetamine metabolites from the hair.

Scientific research confirms its effectiveness.

However, if you’re a light drug user, this shampoo might be more than you need, and there are cheaper alternatives available.

Multiple applications are typically required, so it’s essential to have enough shampoo on hand.

Is Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid shampoo effective for drug tests?

Studies confirm that treatments containing propylene glycol, a primary component in Toxin Rid Old Style Aloe Shampoo, are effective in removing drug metabolites from hair.

It’s particularly efficient for marijuana, cocaine, and morphine metabolites.

A study aimed to determine if commercially available products could manipulate the results of hair analyses for tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

Fifty-four THC-positive hair samples were treated with various products drug test detox shampoo.

The results showed a significant reduction in THC concentration, with detox shampoo reducing levels by an average of 52%.

These treatments were not detectable visually, and some even reduced drug concentrations to non-detectable levels.

While bleach was more effective, it was also harmful.

In a study assessing the impact of detox shampoos on ethyl glucuronide (EtG) concentrations in hair, four detox shampoos were incubated with hair samples for different durations.

Three shampoos performed similarly to deionized water, but one showed heavy washout effects, decreasing EtG by up to 86% after just 2.5 hours.

One shampoo with propylene glycol decreased EtG in forensic hair samples by 73% ± 12% after 8 hours, showing that drug test detox shampoos can significantly impact EtG concentrations.

Propylene glycol is a crucial ingredient in Toxin Rid Old Style Aloe Shampoo, contributing to its effectiveness in drug detoxification.

However, studies indicate that single-use isn’t typically sufficient for complete drug metabolite removal.

Therefore, multiple applications are necessary for optimal results.

Later in this article, I’ll provide guidelines on how to calculate the amount required for your specific usage type and hair type.

The Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid shampoo is considered the best shampoo for passing a hair drug test. It is guaranteed to work and has been proven to be effective by tens of thousands of satisfied customers.

Best for moderate and chronic users

This shampoo is best for moderate and chronic weed users who need a deep-cleaning formula that will not harm their hair.

It is powerful enough to remove toxins like THC and other contaminants, yet gentle enough to be used as a standalone product.

You don’t need to use any other detox products with the Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid shampoo, as it works well on its own.

However, for the best results, it is highly recommended that you use it in conjunction with the Zydot Ultra Clean shampoo.

A wealth of natural conditioners

The Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid shampoo contains a wealth of natural conditioners, including aloe vera, to keep your scalp hydrated, healthy, and happy.

These natural ingredients also prevent your hair from drying out, which is a common problem with many other detox shampoos.

Proven to work

The Aloe Toxin Rid shampoo has been around for years and has a track record of success.

It is legal, and its deep-cleaning formula ensures that you pass your hair drug test with ease.

It also has great customer reviews and success stories, making it a trusted and reliable product.

How to use

To get the most effective results, we suggest using the shampoo every day before your test, typically 3-10 days in advance.

During each washing, let it stay lathered in your hair for 10 to 15 minutes, and make sure you use the shampoo at least 15 times before your test.

For the best results, use the shampoo like this:

  • Regular shampoo
  • Rinse
  • Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo (dime-sized portion)
  • Soak
  • Rinse
  • Regular conditioner

Focus on the scalp, where toxins are found.


The Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid shampoo is priced at $235.90, which may seem steep.

However, it is the only shampoo we can truly recommend if you want guaranteed results.

It is also available online and can be used in Jerry G or Macujo detox methods.

The effects of the Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid shampoo last for 36 hours, which means you can take the test with confidence knowing that you will pass.

Get Old Style Aloe Shampoo

Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo – best for light users

zydot ultra clean contents with instructions

Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo is best for light users, as it is not very effective for regular marijuana users.

It is a three-step solution that includes a shampoo, purifier, and conditioner.

One of the biggest advantages of Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo is that it is the most affordable option available on the market.

The three-step solution of Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo includes:

  • Shampoo: Removes External Barriers to Expose the Inner Hair
  • Purifier: Penetrates Deep Within Hairshaft to Dissolve and Remove Impurities
  • Conditioner: Controls Tangles, Adds Sheen and Improves Manageability

One of the disadvantages of Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo is that it can be complicated to use and can take up to 45 minutes to complete the process.

Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo should be used on the day of the test. And you should use Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo only once.

The effects of Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo last for 5 hours, which means that you need to take the test within 5 hours of using the shampoo.

Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo is priced at $35.99, which is a very affordable price for a product that can help you pass a hair drug test.

Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo works best when used in combination with other products.

How to use

Follow these steps:

  • Stop using any sort of drugs as soon as you find out you’ll need to take a hair drug test.
  • Soak your hair thoroughly with water. Use half of the shampoo.
  • Massage thoroughly into the roots for at least ten minutes, then rinse.
  • Use all the purifier and make sure to get enough of it on the scalp as well.
  • Comb your hair with the purifier.
  • Let it sit for about ten minutes before washing it out.
  • Now use the rest of the shampoo, massage thoroughly, and rinse it out.
  • Apply the conditioner and leave it in for 3 minutes.
  • Rinse out, and you’re done.
Get Zydot Shampoo


If you’re willing to risk potential damage to your hair and scalp, home remedies might be an option for you to try removing drug metabolites from your hair.

However, for a safer and scientifically backed method, we highly recommend a combination of Toxin Rid Aloe Shampoo and Zydot Ultra Clean, which has been proven effective through research.

Consider the consequences of failing a drug test carefully — are they worth the risk?


How long does weed stay in hair?

In theory, weed (THC) stays in hair indefinitely. Once THC enters the hair follicle via the bloodstream, it is deposited into the hair shaft and remains there until that portion of hair is cut.

However, drug tests typically only analyze the 1.5 inches of hair closest to the scalp, reflecting approximately the last 90 days of drug use.

Can you pass a hair drug test with a relaxer?

A study from 2015 found that hair relaxers can destroy a portion of drug metabolites.

Therefore, a hair relaxer can potentially be used as part of a treatment to pass a hair drug test.

Read the study here:

Can I fail a hair drug test from secondhand smoke?

Yes, it’s possible.

Inhalation from nearby marijuana smoke can lead to THC molecules becoming embedded in your hair, which might result in a positive test, especially if there’s frequent and prolonged exposure.

Can all hair detox shampoos guarantee success in hair follicle drug tests?

No detox shampoo can offer a 100% success rate.

However, some, like Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo, claim up to a 99% success rate.

While these rates are promising, they aren’t foolproof.

Why are detox shampoos so expensive?

Drug detox shampoos contain unique, proprietary formulas that are complex and costly to develop.

These specialized formulas can’t be replicated in lower-quality shampoos.

Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo, for instance, maintains a dominant position in the market due to its high success rate.

What drugs can be detected?

Hair drug tests can detect a range of substances, including

  • amphetamine
  • methamphetamine
  • ecstasy
  • marijuana metabolites
  • cocaine and its metabolites,
  • opiates,
  • phencyclidine (PCP)
  • and some prescription drugs.

Can a lab determine when the drugs were taken?

Standard hair drug tests analyze up to 3 inches of hair, representing approximately 3 months of drug history.

While the test can’t pinpoint exact usage dates, segmenting the hair sample and testing the segments separately can provide a more detailed timeline.

However, this process is more costly and complex.

What might cause a false positive on a hair follicle drug test?

Certain prescription medications might cause a false positive result. If you’re taking prescribed medication, be prepared to provide your employer with information and possibly documentation regarding your prescription to explain the test results.

Understanding the hair drug testing procedure

Knowing the hair drug testing procedure step-by-step is crucial to feeling confident and avoiding any mistakes.

Here’s what you can typically expect:

Where it takes place:

  • Your hair strand test might be conducted in a laboratory or a hospital setting.
  • Alternatively, your workplace might perform the test using a kit that’s then mailed to a lab.

The procedure:

  1. Identification Check: A clinical manager will verify your identity.
  2. Explanation of Procedure: The manager will explain the procedure to you, ensuring you understand each step.
  3. Sample Collection: The collector will take a sample of hair, usually from the back part of your head, trying to be as discreet as possible. They’ll use sanitized shears to cut about 1.5 inches of hair close to the scalp.
  4. Growth Rate Relevance: Since hair grows approximately 0.5 inch per month, the sample will reflect drug usage over the last three months.
  5. Securing the Sample: The hair is then placed on foil and sealed in an envelope.
  6. Lab Analysis: This envelope is sent to a laboratory for testing.
  7. Results: You can expect the results to be returned to the company within 3-5 business days.

How drugs get into the hair

Understanding the structure of hair is key to comprehending how drugs are detected:

  • Cuticle: the outermost layer, made of overlapping scales, protects the inner layers and contributes to hair strength.
  • Cortex: the thickest layer, containing most of the hair’s pigment and keratin. It’s responsible for hair’s color, elasticity, and strength.
  • Medulla: the innermost layer, which may be continuous, fragmented, or absent. It’s a soft, thin core present in some hair types.

The incorporation of drugs:

  • Ingestion and metabolization: when drugs are ingested, they enter the bloodstream and are metabolized by the body. These metabolites, along with the parent drug, are then incorporated into the hair structure.
  • Growth and incorporation: hair grows from the follicle, exposed to the body’s internal environment, including the blood supply. As the hair forms, drugs and their metabolites in the bloodstream enter the follicle and become part of the newly formed hair, primarily in the cortex.
  • Locking in: once inside the hair shaft, these substances are “locked” in place as the hair continues to grow. This growth pattern allows for the identification of the time period during which the drug was used, as hair typically grows at a rate of approximately 1 cm per month.

How to read hair drug test results

Understanding how to interpret the results of a hair follicle drug test is crucial, whether you’re an individual being tested or an employer awaiting results. Here’s what you need to know about reading the results:

Negative result:

  • Timing: A negative result can usually be determined within 24 hours of hair collection.
  • What It Means: A negative result suggests that there has been no illicit drug use detected in the 90-day period prior to the test. This timeframe is based on the standard growth rate of hair and the 1.5 inches of hair typically tested.

Positive result:

  • Initial Findings: If the initial screening is non-negative, a confirmation test is conducted, typically taking up to an additional 72 hours.
  • Confirmation Test: The confirmatory test is usually done using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS), a highly accurate method for detecting specific substances and their quantities.
  • Final Result: If the GC/MS also indicates a positive result, it confirms the presence of drugs and specifies which substances were found.

Rejected tests:

  • Improper Collection: Sometimes, a test might be rejected if the hair sample was improperly collected. This could be due to contamination, insufficient hair quantity, or improper handling.
  • Re-Testing: In cases of rejection, the test might need to be repeated to obtain accurate results.

Result delivery:

  • Laboratory Responsibility: The laboratory conducting the test is responsible for delivering the results to the individual or entity that requested the test.
  • Confidentiality: Results are shared using confidential means such as secure fax, phone calls, or an online interface to ensure privacy.
  • Release of Information: Because lab results are considered confidential health information, you’ll likely need to sign a release form before the results can be shared with your employer or other third parties.

Employers who use hair drug testing

Different industries have varying levels of risk associated with the job, leading some employers to adopt stringent drug testing policies, including hair follicle testing, to ensure a safe and productive work environment.

Here are some sectors where you might encounter such tests:

Trucking and transporting

  • Future Trends: There’s a growing movement towards mandatory hair drug testing for all truck drivers. While not yet universally required, it’s a likely future standard.
  • Current Practices: Many companies already require a hair drug test. Some notable ones include:
    • AAA Cooper
    • USA Truck
    • Crete Carrier
    • Roehl Transport, Inc.
    • Knight Transportation
    • TransAm Trucking
    • ABF Freight System
    • Western Express
    • Acme Truck Line
    • Rush Trucking


Given the high-risk nature of construction work, especially when operating heavy machinery, contractors often opt for the most effective drug screens to minimize accidents and liabilities.

Financial industries

Financial institutions handle sensitive and substantial monetary transactions. A single misstep can have drastic consequences, so employers in this sector often implement rigorous drug testing policies.

Federal workers

Despite varying state laws on marijuana, federal law remains strict. Federal employees are generally required to comply with federal regulations, which can include hair follicle drug testing.

Manufacturing and shipping warehouses

In environments where employees operate heavy machinery or are responsible for the fast-paced movement of goods, staying alert and attentive is critical. Drug testing helps ensure this and may also keep insurance costs lower.

Important considerations

  • Individual Company Policies: Always remember that each employer may have its own specific drug policies. What applies to one may not apply to another, even within the same industry.
  • Legal Landscape: The legality and acceptance of substances like marijuana are rapidly changing. Keep up-to-date with both state and federal laws as they apply to employee drug testing.
  • Preparation: If you’re seeking employment in these sectors, it’s prudent to be aware of and prepared for potential drug testing, especially if your role involves safety-sensitive duties.
  • Privacy and Rights: Understand your rights regarding drug testing in the workplace. While employers have a right to maintain a safe and productive work environment, employees also have certain rights regarding privacy and fair testing practices.

What won’t help you pass a hair drug test

Understanding what doesn’t work is just as important as knowing what does when it comes to passing a hair drug test.

Here are some common misconceptions and ineffective strategies:


  • Myth of Abstinence: Simply abstaining from marijuana won’t remove THC from your hair. THC, once deposited in the hair, remains there until that segment of hair is cut off.
  • Body Fat Complication: THC is stored in body fat cells. As the body metabolizes fat, THC is released back into the bloodstream and can be redeposited into new hair growth. Therefore, even after 90 days of abstinence, newly grown hair may still show traces of THC.
  • Timeframe for Clean Hair: To have a chance of passing, you’d need to abstain from marijuana for at least 120 days to ensure all affected hair has grown out and been cut off.

Bleaching your hair

While bleaching might reduce drug levels in hair, its effectiveness is inconsistent and generally low.

Moreover, the damage caused by bleaching is often visible and might raise suspicion during the collection process.


Shaving your head isn’t a reliable way to pass a hair drug test.

Collectors can take samples from other body areas, and having no hair to test can be seen as an attempt to evade the test, potentially leading to adverse consequences like termination or suspension.

Wearing a wig

Wearing a wig to a drug test is not a viable strategy. The individuals collecting the sample are trained to collect a legitimate sample from the scalp or body and will easily identify a wig.

Detox pills or drinks

Detox pills and drinks are marketed for cleansing the body but have no effect on the hair.

THC in the hair is locked inside the hair shaft and cannot be reached or cleansed by such products.

Key takeaways

  • Know What Doesn’t Work: Understanding these misconceptions can save you time, money, and potential embarrassment.
  • Focus on Proven Methods: Instead of relying on ineffective or detectable methods, consider scientifically backed approaches and be aware of the potential consequences of trying to manipulate drug tests.
  • Consider the Consequences: Attempting to cheat on a drug test can lead to serious repercussions, including job loss or legal issues. It’s essential to weigh these risks carefully.